Advance Clinical Practice

千萬別錯過由 "台灣凱羅健康協會 ( Taiwan Chiropractic Doctors Society )" 主辦的精彩課程。你將學到如何應用實證醫學與臨床上可能常犯的一些主觀錯誤以及如何去避免這些錯誤。所有證據都指出運動治療與徒手治療應該對於脊椎疼痛是做為第一線的治療。Dr. Perle 將提供系統性的脊椎評估復健設計與軟組織處理技術。名額有限,因此,本課程對非 TCDS 會員僅開放 20 人報名! 本課程同時開放對脊椎健康有關的專業,歡迎醫師、脊醫、治療師來報名參加。全英文上課。

詳情與報名連結 :


Don't miss out on the wonderful courses hosted by TCDS. You will learn some subjective mistakes that may be made in your clinical practice and how to avoid these mistakes,and how to apply evidence practice into your practice. All evidence points out that exercise therapy and manual therapy should be the first line of treatment for spinal pain. Dr. Perle will provide systematic spine assessment, spinal rehabilitation and soft tissue techniques.Seats are limited therefore, this course only opens 20 spaces for non-TCDS members. This seminar is also open to all professions if you are interested in spinal health. Act soon!

Detail and application link :